Now that I have enough buildings to play a game I have had to turn my mind to how the town of De Lancy is laid out. Previously I have stated that the town grew around an old stone block house built by the Mexican authorities back in the early 1830's so that has to be fairly central. The Livery and Blacksmith's would be best on the outskirts of the town with corral space close by. After that it was a case of slotting buildings in. The initial street plan I eventually came up with looks like this.
De Lancy in1869 |
The solid grey blocks show buildings I already have the grey outlines are where I intend to add buildings. The red lines are building plot boundary lines to aid me in deciding where to place stuff. The game's ground scale is one centimetre to the yard which is slightly out compared to the figure scale. As a result while the buildings are more in scale to the figures (I worked to roughly 1/56th scale) the ground scale for movement is about 2/3 of that. This works for me as I prefer to have weapon ranges and movement lower than the building sizes rather than higher, I find it easier to reconcile slower movement and shorter shooting distances than I do faster and further, I clearly have more cautious shootists than average.
I'm hopeful of filling some of the spaces on Main Street and First Street before the end of the month. Longer term there will be some more MDF kit buildings and some scratch build adobe dwellings. I have it in mind to add abank, cafe, more stores and some residential housing in this first stage.
For my reference to town planning in the wild west I found a really useful web discussion that has really helped me plan the layout and especially with things like road widths and plot sizes. It can be found here History 📆 - 19th century Western town layout: myth vs reality | Cyburbia | urban planning, placemaking, and more . Its an interesting read for anyone who, like me, is on the far side of the Atlantic and too far away to visit the actual locations.