Monday 6 June 2022

2mm ACW - Army of Northern Virginia infantry

This post is one of pure self-congratulation as I have now made and based all the infantry required for the Army of Northern Virginia for Gettysburg. That OOB has the most Confederate infantry stands of any of the Altar of Freedom scenarios for Eastern or Western Theatres, a total of 39 brigade bases. My order from Warbases arrived on Saturday so I have all the bases I am going to need for the rest of the project and as a bonus Mrs E and our guests went out to a Jubilee tea party so I was able to get a coat spray paint on them (The bases not Mrs E and guests).

I am reorganising the artillery onto bigger bases so that they have a more accurate frontage.  Altar of Freedom has an optional rule which puts artillery onto 60 x 60 mm bases rather than the standard 30 x 30.  I have split the difference and put three guns and limbers onto a 60 x 30.  That is because I forgot to order 60 x 60 and got extra 60 x 30 instead...DOH!  Still as the standard base is only 30mm deep I can live with that and I have the optional frontage right!  It will not really make any difference as I am building both sides of this conflict.

The standard bases are 30 x 30mm this is 60 x 30 mm

The next thing to do is finish the Army of the Potomac's infantry, then buy the necessary extra artillery, generals and HQ tentage castings.  Those will be from Irregular Miniatures but i will probably not purchase these until later in the summer.  All in including bases I estimate the two full armies will cost no more than £65 and that gives me enough units to fight any action of the war, East or West.  Terrain items will increase that a bit, but those can be used for other periods as well so I'm not counting that cost.  If Mrs E asks I scratch made everything so it was all free!

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