My favourite WW1 flying ace. The late great Charles M Scultz's Snoopy from Peanuts.
The rules are pretty much done and I just need to wrote them up. The original rules Jim Dunnigan wrote for SPI's board game Flying Circus all those years ago didn't really need much adding to them. I have simply added energy gain in dives and loss in subsequent turns to allow "Boom and Zoom" combat to be a little more doable. The game handles "Turn and Burn" pretty well I only needed to penalise sustained moves in tight turns with some altitude loss to make it more accurate. The dive rules were the biggest issue but as part of the energy gain/loss rule I think I have something that will work. Lastly I have added structural failure rules both to the combat result tables and the over speed diving rules.
All I need to do now is finish creating the game statistics for the 60 or 70 airplanes my obsessive mind set says I need to have. Then its on to creating a game map and some height adjustable flight stands. Then its off for a few games. Mind you I expect it to end like this!
I hope they walked away from this one! |