Sunday 16 July 2023

Painting the Empress Miniatures Wild bunch figures

Stumpy and a Wargames Foundry Lady Friend

Regular readers may recall that I bought some figures from Empresses' Old West range at Vapnartak back in February, so it might come as a surprise that I have taken so long to paint them.   The truth is that it's some twenty years since I have painted 28mm figures using anything other than block colour and ink shading techniques.  I knew these figures deserved better than that so I had to go back to the basics as taught me my Lance Cawkwell of Galloping Major many years ago.  Lance was a graphic designer and transferred those skills to make him a very talented figure painter, way back before the days of glossy wargames magazines promoting GW and similar high end painting styles.  He taught me the triad method before it was called the triad method.  So that's what I decided to use for these figures.  Over the years I had settled on a system of block painting the mid-tone before shading and highlighting with the dark and light shades of the triad.  The key skill being to get those two shades in balance with the mid-tone which I don't always manage as I mix those shades rather than buying pre-mixed sets of three shades.

The Baxter's from Open Range - a fine looking bunch of bad hats

Overall I don't think I have done too bad a job on these castings.  I'm not fully happy with the facial features but they are good enough for the table top. The Empress castings repay taking your time and I admit to going back over a couple of things to get the best result.  If I was painting 28mm all the time I'd get better but it will be back to the 6mm stuff for me before long.  The only trouble being that I may have to learn how to paint those all over again now!

The Supporting cast from Unforgiven.  I particularly like English Bob

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