Wednesday 15 May 2024

When your PC goes phut!

 You have to admit that computers are great until they aren't, as I found out this last weekend.  On Saturday evening everything was working fine.  On Sunday morning the beast wouldn't boot up.  It went straight to Windows diagnostic then to automatic repair then to a high tech version of 'Computer says no'!  Turns out that my desktop couldn't read the tiny hard drive which contains the boot up instructions.  ASUS in their wisdom send the machine I have out with such a tiny boot drive that it can't hold a restore point to solve this issue.  Fortunately there is a very good computer tech in the town who doesn't charge an arm or a leg for that matter to fix things.  He had to take the box away save all my data and reinstall Windows 11.

So I now have a functioning computer again but have to reinstall all my apps including MS office which will take a while and preclude a lot of the stuff I have been doing of late until everything is reinstalled.  So there may be a delay in updates on the home made 2mm armies.

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