Thursday 24 December 2020

Pushing for the finishing line

 The 2020 painting target is in sight.  It wasn't a huge amount of lead by the standards of some of the commercial 6mm painters out there.  No, I don't mean the painters are 6mm tall, the figures were what I meant, although it does create an interesting whimsy. What if the figures could be life sized and shrunk to 6mm once painted? I could paint them with acrylic house paint using an emulsion brush.  Even the sloppiest paint job would look sublime once shrunk back to 6mm.  But I digress (again).  When I look at the output of those commercial figure painters I know of via Facebook I am continually amazed at the numbers they can paint.  Daniel at Reveille seems to be able to get through the equivalent of my monthly out put ( and I mean a good month's output) each and every day with no loss of quality.  It would be nice to achieve that level of through put just for a few days every so often, but alas my grasshopper mind always has about a dozen other things vying for my attention which takes me away from the painting table! 

I finished work for the Christmas holiday on Monday evening.  I usually try to have a long break over Christmas and New year as it is the one holiday where I don't have to rush about packing and getting to holiday locations, instead I can spend a few days doing very little other than catching up on a few jobs around the house and doing hobby stuff.  So with a decent break in sight, the promise of the Baccus shopping cart reopening in January and nothing to get in the way, painting can continue apace.  As things stand I should hit my target in the next day or so even with interruptions for video gaming, TV watching and dog walking!  Which will clear the decks ready to restock in the new year.  

Will 2021 be the year of 6mm Wars of the Roses?  Or will it be more Late Romans and Early Medievals?  Oh and there is a small matter of the ACW side project where I'm thinking of trying 3 mm figures either 3D printed courtesy of Forward March Studios or possibly from Magister Militum.  So perhaps 2021 will also be the year of 3D printed armies.

Last but not least I wish all of you a very merry Christmas.