Monday 15 February 2021

The 2021 to do list - another objective met

The Dacian DBA baseline army is complete along with a few extra options.  I make it 17 elements which gives me some extras for the basic 12 elements as well as some of the alternative elements from the list like the Sarmation loose order Knights (3Kn).

Dacia's finest and not a moderately priced 4WD amongst the lot

All figures are from Irregular Miniatures which explains some of the cavalry being bunched up in the middle of the bases.  I was given the core of this army as a gift from a friend who was a member of the Sealed Knot.  That was quite a number of years ago and I'm a little ashamed that it has taken me so long to  get them into proper fighting trim by adding extra manpower to the original gift.  

The gifted figures are painted in the Baccus approved black undercoat with dots and dashes of colour system.  If you look closely can see the effect especially on the two light infantry elements in the left of the front rank.  It's not my preferred style but  if they had joined the back of the painting queue they might still have been there!  So I'm not complaining.

I will primarily field them as 4th Century Carpi rather than the earlier Dacians so that I have opponents for my Late Imperial Romans.  Although that 's not to say that I won't take them back in time once in a while. 

As an aside, the green cloth is a small square of felt I picked up at our local branch of Boyes just before the lockdown started last year.  I'm hoping that they will have it as rolls of fabric when I'm next allowed to go somewhere as exotic as the local shops as I rather like the slightly mottled effect and would quite like to use some as a base cloth.

At some point I will probably give some thought about upscaling them to a 200pt ADLG army or maybe a DBMM one but not this year.  Well not unless I really push on with my other projects!  




  1. I like the mass effect you’ve created there. The felt is also a good match for your bases (or is it nice versa?).
    Will have to go in Boyes (my late mother’s favourite shop I reckon) next time I’m up in Cleethorpes.

  2. The bases came first, the felt was happy coincidence after I settled on the basing style. My local Boyes had this colour as squares of slightly over 23cm/9 inches which is an odd size to say the least.

    This is my standard basing for DBA and derivatives I like to put on the extra figures as i hate the 10 men taking a flag for a walk look!
