Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Catching up on old projects (a slight reprise)

I have actually achieved a target for 2025 before January is out!  My Irregular Miniatures 6mm British Civil War troops are rebased and a limited amount of repairing and repainting has been carried out as well.  The standard of painting is OK but some of the details needed updating as I know a bit more than I did when first painting them!  For example I had given  a handful of Scottish infantry royal standards (the red lion rampant on a yellow ground) when only the King or his appointee were allowed to carry it.  Most foot regiments had a white colonel's colour with perhaps the colonels coat of arms so a number of flags were updated.  The cast on bases had to be redone so they blended into the basing sand I use as well.

So here we are all the painted 6mm ECW are rebased

Scots at the front two lines and English behind them.

For the unpainted figures I managed to undercoat all of them as I had a day with low humidity, reasonable temperatures and no wind so out came the rattle cans of primer.  Some of these are on the painting table awaiting  my attention.  I'm considering giving for King and Parliament rules a try they sound interesting and are a reasonable price.

I like this view apart from the poor exposure on my iPhone camera washing out the green cloth's depth of colour

In other news there is a new Facebook group for fans of Irregular Miniatures called Highly Irregular.  It covers 2mm and 6mm as well as their larger scale lines.

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