Friday 31 July 2015

Got my Mojo back

Although to be honest I hadn’t realised that I had lost it.  Let’s be clear we are not talking Austin Powers style of mojo loss this is a family friendly blog after all, no, it was my figure painting mojo that had evaporated.  Mrs Elenderil and I adopted a rescue dog back in February and one thing led to another and we ended up with two - Barney and George. 

Barney came first and wasn’t any real trouble, he settled in pretty quickly and with a minimum of fuss.  George turned up a couple of months later as a fostering arrangement.  The couple who had agreed to adopt him couldn’t cope with him.  I can understand this as he needs quite a lot more attention than Barney as he is a particularly energetic breed and heis at the top end of the energy levels even for his breed.  Fostering appears to have evolved into adopting so I’m pretty sure that we are now the proud owners of two dogs!

Barney is furthest from the camera, George is working very hard at being cute at the front

So what with training, walking and general care and feeding our free time reduced dramatically.  Something had to give and it was my painting time.  I don’t like to start painting if I’m tired and by the time the dogs were sorted out it was late in the evening so I kept putting it off.  Before I knew it I had gone a couple of months and not done any painting.  I kept meaning to get my painting table set up but as George has an inquisitive not to mention acquisitive nature, that is to say he likes to grab anything that looks interesting and run off with it, I was a bit worried about the effect of Vallejo’s finest on his digestion!  He has settled down a lot now so I thought it was safe to set up and I have managed to make some inroads into my lead pile, not much  but it’s a start.  As a bonus I haven’t spotted any rainbow poos so I’m pretty sure he has left the paint alone!

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