Monday 11 July 2022

Lazing on a Sunny Afternoon

It has been really rather warm here today.  Far to warm to consider doing much of anything in the garden other than a bit of basic maintenance.   On the other hand, it was dry and not too windy so I was able to test the effect of spraying Humbrol matt acrylic varnish  on the printed sheets I use for my 2mm infantry wrap arounds.  The good news is that there was no colour bleed from the ink jet printing.  As a result I was able to spray the entire last couple of month's 2mm infantry output.  I now no longer have quite as much fear of an unexpected drink spill turning my troops uniforms into a rainbow of runny colours, plus it will help seal the basing materials.  The metal figures can have a coat of brush on varnish in due course but the home made stuff is now totally completed.

On the Ukrainian guest front things continue in much the same vein as before, with long stays in the downstairs bathroom (currently entering the second hour) and cooking of things that appear to consist almost entirely of sunflower oil, water and coriander which has been shown a picture of vegetables and told that somewhere meat does really exist.  As a positive after much crying of 'Nyet, Nyet' telephones are no longer de rigour at table.  Rules on food hygiene are still the subject of debate, we feel that once a meal has started trying to climb out of the fridge on it's own that it is probably past it's best, our guest's solution is not to put it in the fridge in the first place.  At present there is a pan of 'soup' and some sort of Frikadellen stew sitting on the top of the cooker.  These are unserved, uneaten foods which have been sat out in the heat for around four or five hours.  Now I have a flexible approach to food storage but even I will be making my excuses when these are offered up as a repast.   It's the waste which I find hard to come to terms with.  It's not as if they have a lot of money to spare, and buying food just to throw it away seems so counter intuitive.

Thank God for the boon of Covid which allows me to stay out of the way.

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