As readers will have probably worked out for themselves the 17th Century is one of my key areas of interest. This came about almost by accident through a friends involvement in historical re-enacting with the Sealed Knot. One day about 30 years ago he turned up at my door with a full set of musketeer's equipment and a set of period costume. The rest as they say is history. Mostly the history of the British Civil Wars. As always happens trying to understand one period of history leads to a need to understand the events that lead up to it which took me into the development of tactics during the Thirty Years War. Lets call it the TYW from here on in.
Recently I came across an offer on Amazon's kindle book pages I couldn't refuse. A free download of a recent (2009) history of the TYW. So I downloaded it. Quite literally nothing ventured, but as it turned out quite a lot gained. The book in question is Europe's Tragedy - a new history of the Thirty Years War by Peter H Wilson. Sadly you will have to pay £9.99 for the Kindle version now, but if you want a good overall history that covers the military, political and social aspects of the war and it's aftermath this book has everything you need.
From a war gamer's perspective it doesn't go into a lot of detail of the individual battles but it gives a good background as to why those battles were fought and the problems all sides had in keeping men in the field. That said most of the major battles do get a map and there is also a campaign map at the end of the book. It also provides good background on some of the wars on the fringes of the TYW such as the War of the Mantuan Succession.
The book starts with a look at the way the political and religious tensions built up within the Holy Roman Empire in the late 16th century. It makes it clear that the Austrian Hapsburgs were prepared to allow a reasonable amount of religious freedom and that the war when it came wasn't a purely religious war. The rulers of the various German states were instead manoeuvring for power one against the other within the confines of the Imperial system.
It then goes on to look at the various factions both religious. national and political and their interactions before turning to a chronological history of the war. It ends with a look at the longer term impact of the war especially the economic consequences.
The kindle edition suffers from an inability to quickly jump back and forth in the text to look at maps or remind yourself of earlier events. I found that downloading a decent map of the geography of central Europe in the early 17th century helped enormously as my modern geographic knowledge of the area wasn't of any help with the location of early modern central European states! That though is a minor criticism of what is other wise a decent introduction to a very complex subject.
A wargaming and modelling blog focussing on smaller scale models (1/300th and smaller). Covering mainly Ancients, ECW, ACW, World War One air combat and Cold War gone hot gaming, with the occasional forays into re-enactment and what passes for my real life! Warning. Comes with added dog posts.
Thursday, 26 November 2015
Saturday, 21 November 2015
The Battle of Whalley - designers notes
So far we have the details of the terrain and the troops. In this post I want to look at how to make the game enjoyable without loosing sight of the historical background or deviating too far from the known facts.
The problem with this battle is that it didn't follow the expected script! Parliament wouldn't win this fight under most sets of rules (including mine). To try to make the historical outcome possible risks making the game unenjoyable for the Royalist player. Lets be honest here this isn't a balanced scenario. The scenario as designed is intended to produce a result similar to reality and pose both sides with the same decision points and problems their historical counterparts faced.
Lets start with the terrain. The key features are the valley that Sabden Brook flows through. The impact of this must be depicted as it slows the advancing Royalist scouting party. In my rules it disrupts their formation too. I would treat it as soft ground if that is what is required in your rules to create the disruption required. Next are the stone walls that edge the road after the bridge. These should give good defence against return fire from the Royalists once the ambush is sprung. The woods along Sanden Brook should also stay as described. The rest of the woods are conjectural so they could be reduced in size or effect if you feel they restrict Royalist options too much. One account talks about the Parliamentarian foot sniping at the Royalist main body from hedges so those could be added close the Whalley board edge.
Next are the troops. It is just possible that Colonel Shuttleworth brought a small piece of artillery to the later stages of the battle. The Discourse mentions that two or three shots were fired by the artillery "at the tower" the only tower would be that in Whalley and it is difficult to understand why the Royalists would bombard their own positions. This could be used to justify giving Parliament a piece of artillery, but it isn't mentioned until the action in front of Whalley so it should arrive late in the game.
Alternative scenarios
1. Derby strikes at once
All of the Royalist forces are free to act from the start. Tyldesley isn't sent ahead to scout instead the entire force moves forward from Whalley at first light. There are no constraints on the Royalist orders. Their objective is to exit units of horse and/or Dragons from the Read table edge within three hours of the game start and to have no effective Parliamentarian units left on the table ( effective means able to fight not necessarily routed or destroyed). Parliament start with all of the listed units from the main scenario on the table at the start including one piece of artillery. Their objective is to delay the Royalists from exiting the board in the time limit.
This should give a more balanced fight especially if Parliament deploy in a good defensive position.
2. Shuttleworth pushes his luck
This scenario assumes that Shuttleworth is given a longer warning of Derby's approach and is able to assemble more troops by the end of 19 April. Bolstered by these additional troops and fresh supplies of powder and shot he pushes forward under cover of darkness to launch an attack on Derby early on 20 April.
Parliament has two full units of foot in place of the 400 commanded shot from the historical scenario. These are of 600 men each 2:1 shot to pike, trained and experienced. These represent the militia of the Blackburn Hundred under Shuttleworth and Starkie. The Parliamentarian force includes the small gun discussed above. They are deployed no further forward than one cavalry move towards Whalley from the centre line of the board. Their objective is to destroy the Royalist force. Derby starts with all of his forces deployed at Whalley as in optional scenario 1 but with Derby off table as in the historical scenario. He can enter on a dice roll or on the turn after Parliamentarian forces are sighted by the Royalists. Royalist forces cannot advance until Parliament's forces are sighted. The Royalists objective is to survive the day.
I haven't run the battle yet so I may revisit this topic with amendments or an after action report in the future. In the mean time please comment if you have tried the scenarios especially about game balance issues v the historical outcome. I hope you enjoy the scenario.
The problem with this battle is that it didn't follow the expected script! Parliament wouldn't win this fight under most sets of rules (including mine). To try to make the historical outcome possible risks making the game unenjoyable for the Royalist player. Lets be honest here this isn't a balanced scenario. The scenario as designed is intended to produce a result similar to reality and pose both sides with the same decision points and problems their historical counterparts faced.
Lets start with the terrain. The key features are the valley that Sabden Brook flows through. The impact of this must be depicted as it slows the advancing Royalist scouting party. In my rules it disrupts their formation too. I would treat it as soft ground if that is what is required in your rules to create the disruption required. Next are the stone walls that edge the road after the bridge. These should give good defence against return fire from the Royalists once the ambush is sprung. The woods along Sanden Brook should also stay as described. The rest of the woods are conjectural so they could be reduced in size or effect if you feel they restrict Royalist options too much. One account talks about the Parliamentarian foot sniping at the Royalist main body from hedges so those could be added close the Whalley board edge.
Next are the troops. It is just possible that Colonel Shuttleworth brought a small piece of artillery to the later stages of the battle. The Discourse mentions that two or three shots were fired by the artillery "at the tower" the only tower would be that in Whalley and it is difficult to understand why the Royalists would bombard their own positions. This could be used to justify giving Parliament a piece of artillery, but it isn't mentioned until the action in front of Whalley so it should arrive late in the game.
Alternative scenarios
1. Derby strikes at once
All of the Royalist forces are free to act from the start. Tyldesley isn't sent ahead to scout instead the entire force moves forward from Whalley at first light. There are no constraints on the Royalist orders. Their objective is to exit units of horse and/or Dragons from the Read table edge within three hours of the game start and to have no effective Parliamentarian units left on the table ( effective means able to fight not necessarily routed or destroyed). Parliament start with all of the listed units from the main scenario on the table at the start including one piece of artillery. Their objective is to delay the Royalists from exiting the board in the time limit.
This should give a more balanced fight especially if Parliament deploy in a good defensive position.
2. Shuttleworth pushes his luck
This scenario assumes that Shuttleworth is given a longer warning of Derby's approach and is able to assemble more troops by the end of 19 April. Bolstered by these additional troops and fresh supplies of powder and shot he pushes forward under cover of darkness to launch an attack on Derby early on 20 April.
Parliament has two full units of foot in place of the 400 commanded shot from the historical scenario. These are of 600 men each 2:1 shot to pike, trained and experienced. These represent the militia of the Blackburn Hundred under Shuttleworth and Starkie. The Parliamentarian force includes the small gun discussed above. They are deployed no further forward than one cavalry move towards Whalley from the centre line of the board. Their objective is to destroy the Royalist force. Derby starts with all of his forces deployed at Whalley as in optional scenario 1 but with Derby off table as in the historical scenario. He can enter on a dice roll or on the turn after Parliamentarian forces are sighted by the Royalists. Royalist forces cannot advance until Parliament's forces are sighted. The Royalists objective is to survive the day.
I haven't run the battle yet so I may revisit this topic with amendments or an after action report in the future. In the mean time please comment if you have tried the scenarios especially about game balance issues v the historical outcome. I hope you enjoy the scenario.
Monday, 16 November 2015
The battle of Whalley part 3 the troops.
The forces engaged at Whalley will never be fully known and numbers quoted in the sources vary enormously. What is clear is that Parliament were outnumbered by a significant amount. Sources vary between 10:1 to 4:1 in favour of the Royalists. The Parliamentarians may have been short of powder and shot too. Their Forces were not all on the field at the start as some appear to have been arriving from Padiham while others seem to have been preparing to retreat in the face of the Royalist numbers. Only the shot seem to have been up for a fight and even then perhaps only because initially they were not facing the whole Royalist force.
On the other hand the Royalists main numbers lay in their clubmen who were inexperienced, untrained and according to some accounts only stayed in the field because there were mounted men behind then threatening them with swords and loaded pistols! The initial encounter at Sabden Brook only included a small part of their forces as the main body was waiting at Whalley. The Earl of Derby and his senior officers don't appear to have been with the main body, but further back in Whalley itself.
Lets start with the period accounts. The battle was fought on 20 April 1643 numbers detailed from prior to that date may not have been available by the time of the battle. As a result I am only going to look at information for around a month before that date.
Parliament Forces
The Discourse tells us that on the 19th Parliament's forces were dispersed and short of powder and shot. But that Colonel Shuttleworth sent out a call for them to assemble "with their best weapons". By the early morning of 20th April Colonel Shuttleworth had been joined by Colonel Starkie at Padiham (about 4 miles to the east of Sabden Brook). Some Captains, with their men, were sent to scout towards Whalley "as far as Read". We know that this force included Musketeers as these were the men who insisted on standing to fight.
On hearing the ambush sprung many others "came up" so additional troops must have been in supporting distance. This included a Lieutenant Marsden who seems to have encouraged the troops in hot pursuit of the fleeing Royalists. The discourse glosses over the rest of fight implying that the main body of Royalists broke and ran when the fleeing men came down the hill to Whalley. Although there are some clues that there must have been some fighting as a piece of artillery had time to fire three shots.
The true relation gives more detail of troops it claims that two troops of horse were at Dunkenhalgh Hall (at Clayton le Moors) which withdrew to Padiham on hearing of the Royalist advance. The Parliamentarian forces at Padiham are described as "60 Horse, and some 400 foot, not above five hundred I am sure at the first". This account also includes "some few clubmen". "At the first" suggests additional forces were coming in and this is supported by the statement that an additional 150 horse met them at Read Bank. It also mentions a Captain Ashton as being present.
Lancashire Vale of Anchor states that Parliament's forces were 200 - 300 shot and 80 - 100 horse. It goes on to tell us that initially there were only 100 shot at Read.
Broxup gives the numbers being 500 foot plus the horse as above.
All accounts suggest that Parliament scouted forward beyond Read towards Whaley but retired once the true size of Derby's forces became apparent.
Royalist Forces
The Discourse states that the Earl of Derby called his soldiers and Clubmen to Preston along with a piece of artillery and advanced up the line of the River Ribble. By the 19th he appears to have reached Whalley. Mr Tydesley (later Sir Thomas Tydesley) is sent to scout towards Padiham on the morning of the 20th. This force included horse and some foot as it is reported that Parliament took prisoner "divers"... (meaning many)... "Foot Clubmen".
The True relation states that the Royalist force consisted of The Earl of Derby, Lord Molyneux, Sir Gilbert Hoghton and Colonel Tydesley and all the chief Catholics of the county, with "eleven troops of Horse, 700 foot and infinite of clubmen, in all conceived to be 5,000". It goes on to state that after the ambush at Sabden Brook Parliament took 40 prisoners, some horse and 60 muskets. The capture of muskets suggest foot or dragoons as being present with Tydesley's scouting force. If we assume an average strength of 50 per troop that gives 550 horse.
Broxup pulls together all of the sources available to him and tells us that on 13 March Derby had assembled 3,000 clubmen for the march against Lancaster. so that gives some indication of the numbers that could be raised. He also states that Tyldesley came from York with 600 foot armed 50:50 pike to shot. This unit of foot may have been from Newcastle's army and have had some combat experience, but equally may have been freshly raised men. Either way they don't seem to have fared any better than the rest of Derby's forces at Whalley. All sources place Tyldesley with the Royalist advance scouting party
Suggested forces for the refight
Advanced Scouting party
Thomas Tyldesley -average commander
1 unit of 150 Horse - experienced but untrained.
1 unit of 100 dragoons - raw, trained
Main body
Commander in Chief- The Earl of Derby. He should be brave but not effective as a commander. Starts off table - see special rules below.
Sir Gilbert Hoghton - average commander. Place as required with the main body
Lord Molyneux - average commander. Place as required with the main body
1 x 600 foot 50:50 pike to shot. Experienced and trained.
5 x 600 clubmen (improvised weapons including some muskets) inexperienced, untrained and unwilling (in my rules this means that they are the worst troops possible)
1 x of 150 horse experienced and trained
1 x 150 horse experienced and trained
1 x light gun (Robinette or similar size)
Special rules
The scouting party deploys along the road between the centre line of the long edge of the table and the turn to Ashterley. They must have orders to make a rapid advance along the Whalley to Read road. Under my home brew rules orders have three components movement rate, target and action on reaching the target. The Dragoons may not dismount until attacked. So Tyldesley would have orders of "fast advance, along the road to the far table edge, hold on arrival.
The main body must deploy north of the Calder in any formation desired but no further forward than level with the point where the R Calder exits the south of the table. Split into two or three commands and assign to commanders (except Tyldesley) as required. Clubmen may be merged into larger bodies in an attempt to make them a more robust fighting force! The main body is under initial orders to hold and cannot take any action or change orders until attacked by Parliamentarian forces or Retreating troops from Read reach them.
The Earl of Derby starts off table at Whalley and only enters when
1. Retreating troops from Sabden Brook are sighted by the forces at Whalley.
2. After 1 hour game time on a di roll. Roll 1D6 each turn on the first roll only a 1 will release him on the second a 1 or 2 on the third a 1- 3 until on turn 6 he automatically arrives.
On arrival he is placed on the road leading from Whalley to Read at the table edge. He cannot move further on the turn of arrival. He cannot issue any new orders until he is free to move.
3. Orders
This is a more difficult deployment to arrive at as numbers are low and vary between the accounts. To allow flexibility and prevent the Royalists having certainty as to where the initial ambush will be sprung, Parliament's shot are in hidden deployment. They may be in any of the woods on the Read side of Sabden Brook or behind the Stone walls that line the road after it crosses the brook.
Advance Party
1 x 400 Foot (shot only) experienced, trained and elite.
1 x 100 horse inexperienced, trained
1 x 150 horse inexperienced, trained.
Captain Ashherton - good commander
Captain F good commander
Deployed to the East of Sanden Brook. The Horse must be within 1 full move of the East table edge deployed as one command under Captain Assherton. Captain F commands the Shot.
1 x 200 Clubmen inexperienced, untrained.
Colonel Shuttleworth commander in chief Average commander
Colonel Starkie average commander
Lt Marsden - average but rash commander
Speculative reserve troops
All we know for certain is that more troops came in. These may have been the Clubmen and the second body of horse. However, we know Shuttleworth called in all available troops, so additional men may have been available. If we need to place more forces at Parliament's disposal I suggest the following.
1 x light artillery - experienced and trained
1 x 150 horse - experienced, untrained
1 x 200 Clubmen - inexperienced, untrained
Special rules
Reserve (and/or Speculative reserves) enter the table one hour after the ambush is first sprung. The two Colonels arrive with the reserves. Lt Marsden arrives 15 minutes after the ambush is sprung. he can use his command abilities only to get Parliament troops to take aggressive action.
As an option you might want to enforce a limited number of shots for the ambush force. The true telation suggests that they had little powder until they could loot from the routing Royalist scouting party.
In the last part I will post any last minute thoughts on the scenario and any additional suggestions for altenative versions of the refight.
On the other hand the Royalists main numbers lay in their clubmen who were inexperienced, untrained and according to some accounts only stayed in the field because there were mounted men behind then threatening them with swords and loaded pistols! The initial encounter at Sabden Brook only included a small part of their forces as the main body was waiting at Whalley. The Earl of Derby and his senior officers don't appear to have been with the main body, but further back in Whalley itself.
Lets start with the period accounts. The battle was fought on 20 April 1643 numbers detailed from prior to that date may not have been available by the time of the battle. As a result I am only going to look at information for around a month before that date.
Parliament Forces
The Discourse tells us that on the 19th Parliament's forces were dispersed and short of powder and shot. But that Colonel Shuttleworth sent out a call for them to assemble "with their best weapons". By the early morning of 20th April Colonel Shuttleworth had been joined by Colonel Starkie at Padiham (about 4 miles to the east of Sabden Brook). Some Captains, with their men, were sent to scout towards Whalley "as far as Read". We know that this force included Musketeers as these were the men who insisted on standing to fight.
On hearing the ambush sprung many others "came up" so additional troops must have been in supporting distance. This included a Lieutenant Marsden who seems to have encouraged the troops in hot pursuit of the fleeing Royalists. The discourse glosses over the rest of fight implying that the main body of Royalists broke and ran when the fleeing men came down the hill to Whalley. Although there are some clues that there must have been some fighting as a piece of artillery had time to fire three shots.
The true relation gives more detail of troops it claims that two troops of horse were at Dunkenhalgh Hall (at Clayton le Moors) which withdrew to Padiham on hearing of the Royalist advance. The Parliamentarian forces at Padiham are described as "60 Horse, and some 400 foot, not above five hundred I am sure at the first". This account also includes "some few clubmen". "At the first" suggests additional forces were coming in and this is supported by the statement that an additional 150 horse met them at Read Bank. It also mentions a Captain Ashton as being present.
Lancashire Vale of Anchor states that Parliament's forces were 200 - 300 shot and 80 - 100 horse. It goes on to tell us that initially there were only 100 shot at Read.
Broxup gives the numbers being 500 foot plus the horse as above.
All accounts suggest that Parliament scouted forward beyond Read towards Whaley but retired once the true size of Derby's forces became apparent.
Royalist Forces
The Discourse states that the Earl of Derby called his soldiers and Clubmen to Preston along with a piece of artillery and advanced up the line of the River Ribble. By the 19th he appears to have reached Whalley. Mr Tydesley (later Sir Thomas Tydesley) is sent to scout towards Padiham on the morning of the 20th. This force included horse and some foot as it is reported that Parliament took prisoner "divers"... (meaning many)... "Foot Clubmen".
The True relation states that the Royalist force consisted of The Earl of Derby, Lord Molyneux, Sir Gilbert Hoghton and Colonel Tydesley and all the chief Catholics of the county, with "eleven troops of Horse, 700 foot and infinite of clubmen, in all conceived to be 5,000". It goes on to state that after the ambush at Sabden Brook Parliament took 40 prisoners, some horse and 60 muskets. The capture of muskets suggest foot or dragoons as being present with Tydesley's scouting force. If we assume an average strength of 50 per troop that gives 550 horse.
Broxup pulls together all of the sources available to him and tells us that on 13 March Derby had assembled 3,000 clubmen for the march against Lancaster. so that gives some indication of the numbers that could be raised. He also states that Tyldesley came from York with 600 foot armed 50:50 pike to shot. This unit of foot may have been from Newcastle's army and have had some combat experience, but equally may have been freshly raised men. Either way they don't seem to have fared any better than the rest of Derby's forces at Whalley. All sources place Tyldesley with the Royalist advance scouting party
Suggested forces for the refight
Advanced Scouting party
Thomas Tyldesley -average commander
1 unit of 150 Horse - experienced but untrained.
1 unit of 100 dragoons - raw, trained
Main body
Commander in Chief- The Earl of Derby. He should be brave but not effective as a commander. Starts off table - see special rules below.
Sir Gilbert Hoghton - average commander. Place as required with the main body
Lord Molyneux - average commander. Place as required with the main body
1 x 600 foot 50:50 pike to shot. Experienced and trained.
5 x 600 clubmen (improvised weapons including some muskets) inexperienced, untrained and unwilling (in my rules this means that they are the worst troops possible)
1 x of 150 horse experienced and trained
1 x 150 horse experienced and trained
1 x light gun (Robinette or similar size)
Special rules
The scouting party deploys along the road between the centre line of the long edge of the table and the turn to Ashterley. They must have orders to make a rapid advance along the Whalley to Read road. Under my home brew rules orders have three components movement rate, target and action on reaching the target. The Dragoons may not dismount until attacked. So Tyldesley would have orders of "fast advance, along the road to the far table edge, hold on arrival.
The main body must deploy north of the Calder in any formation desired but no further forward than level with the point where the R Calder exits the south of the table. Split into two or three commands and assign to commanders (except Tyldesley) as required. Clubmen may be merged into larger bodies in an attempt to make them a more robust fighting force! The main body is under initial orders to hold and cannot take any action or change orders until attacked by Parliamentarian forces or Retreating troops from Read reach them.
The Earl of Derby starts off table at Whalley and only enters when
1. Retreating troops from Sabden Brook are sighted by the forces at Whalley.
2. After 1 hour game time on a di roll. Roll 1D6 each turn on the first roll only a 1 will release him on the second a 1 or 2 on the third a 1- 3 until on turn 6 he automatically arrives.
On arrival he is placed on the road leading from Whalley to Read at the table edge. He cannot move further on the turn of arrival. He cannot issue any new orders until he is free to move.
3. Orders
This is a more difficult deployment to arrive at as numbers are low and vary between the accounts. To allow flexibility and prevent the Royalists having certainty as to where the initial ambush will be sprung, Parliament's shot are in hidden deployment. They may be in any of the woods on the Read side of Sabden Brook or behind the Stone walls that line the road after it crosses the brook.
Advance Party
1 x 400 Foot (shot only) experienced, trained and elite.
1 x 100 horse inexperienced, trained
1 x 150 horse inexperienced, trained.
Captain Ashherton - good commander
Captain F good commander
Deployed to the East of Sanden Brook. The Horse must be within 1 full move of the East table edge deployed as one command under Captain Assherton. Captain F commands the Shot.
1 x 200 Clubmen inexperienced, untrained.
Colonel Shuttleworth commander in chief Average commander
Colonel Starkie average commander
Lt Marsden - average but rash commander
Speculative reserve troops
All we know for certain is that more troops came in. These may have been the Clubmen and the second body of horse. However, we know Shuttleworth called in all available troops, so additional men may have been available. If we need to place more forces at Parliament's disposal I suggest the following.
1 x light artillery - experienced and trained
1 x 150 horse - experienced, untrained
1 x 200 Clubmen - inexperienced, untrained
Special rules
Reserve (and/or Speculative reserves) enter the table one hour after the ambush is first sprung. The two Colonels arrive with the reserves. Lt Marsden arrives 15 minutes after the ambush is sprung. he can use his command abilities only to get Parliament troops to take aggressive action.
As an option you might want to enforce a limited number of shots for the ambush force. The true telation suggests that they had little powder until they could loot from the routing Royalist scouting party.
In the last part I will post any last minute thoughts on the scenario and any additional suggestions for altenative versions of the refight.
Tuesday, 10 November 2015
The Battle of Whalley 1643 part 2
A couple of posts back I copied the text of a period account of the Battle of Whalley. At the time I suggested that I would try putting a game together. Well, I haven't had the game yet but I have created the scenario for it.
To create the scenario I needed to find some additional sources on the battle to try to fill out some extra background details. Luckily, most of the original sources are available online or through Amazon now. Not that there is much of it. The main sources are "A discourse of the warr in Lancashire" which was the source of the description I posted before. That is available through the Chetham Society via Amazon as a Kindle download. Next are Tracts relating to Military Matters in Lancashire which forms vol 2 of the Chetham Miscellanies also found as a Kindle download. Both of these are OCR scanned copies converted to text which does create a number of errors but these are easy to spot as they usually come out as nonsense words or as symbols.
The tracts have two documents of note "A True Relation of a great and Wonderful Victory obtained by Captain Ashton and the Parliament's Forces against the Earl of Derby at Whalley in Lancashire" and "Lancashires Valley of Achor". As Kindle downloads both the discourse and the tracts both cost around £5.00 which is good value even with the OCR issue. The internet provided a copy of Broxup's Great Civil war in Lancashire as a free document. Again there are some OCR scanning errors but overall it is legible. As a bonus Broxup cites all of his source material which is useful.
I would like to read the Letters of the Countess of Derby and Henrietta Maria's Letter book as these have some references to other troop movements at the time of the battle. Bull's Civil war in Lancashire is my next purchase as it draws on a Grattan's Lord Derby's Catholic Army which I don't have.
So what do we gain from the sources? Details of the site of the battle are pretty clear The discourse places the initial contact as being at Read Head "above the house of Mr Nowell of Read" Mr Nowell being Roger Nowell of Read Hall. The Royalists were first sighted "mounting out of a hollow dingle betwixt Ashterly and Reed Head" (the discourse). The bulk of the Royalist forces were drawn up in a body apparently on the North side of the Calder at Whalley (according to the Discourse) "in a bodie as to receive an enemie". The Dingle is almost certainly the small steep sided cutting through which Sabden Brook runs and there is still a farm above the brook now called Easterly. We are also told by the discourse that following the ambush Tydesley fled and mistook his way passing into the lane that leads to Ashterley and then down via Portfield to Whalley. All of these locations can be identified on the modern OS map. Parliaments musketeers were hidden behind the stone walls on either side of the highway between Whalley and Padiham. This would have been Read Old Road as the current main road is an 18th century turnpike.
After the initial ambush there was a running fight from close to where Read Old Road crosses Sabden Brook at Read Old Bridge. The ambush described in the Discourse occurred on the east side of the brook. The pursuit followed down to the outskirts of Whalley where the rest of Derby's forces were drawn up. This was presumably along (or close by) the line of the road down to Whalley. At Whalley the pursuing musketeers fired upon Derby's forces from the hedges (a true relation) and his forces broke and ran. They crossed the Calder and headed back towards Ribchester turning and standing occasionally. This wasn't the volley and chase suggested by the Discourse but a four stage action.
1. Royalists scout towards Read and are ambushed.
2. The pursuit towards Whalley
3. The action at Whalley itself
4. The fighting withdrawal towards Ribchester
I propose to re-fight the first three stages in this scenario.
Setting the table up
Using 2mm figures and a 1mm to the yard/metre (the difference is notional at 2mm level) I will be using 4 boards 1220mm by 606 mm. as shown below this is enough to cover the ambush, the pursuit and the fight at Whalley.
The woods (The green areas) have been taken from the 18th century map of Lancashire held on Lancashire County Counsel's website. There is no guarantee they existed in 1643 or were as large as shown if they did. The woods along the bank of Sabden Brook were probably there and like now would have been a narrow band of scrubby open woodland. I would depict all other woods as being fairly open as well, sufficient to screen sight lines and disrupt formations. I haven't included any hill markers or contours as everyone seems to portray hills differently. The key features are the valley through which Sabden Brook runs. This is steep sided, narrow with a flat bottom and prone to being boggy. It's about 100 yards wide at most and probably around 60 feet (say 20 meters) deep. On the Read side of the Brook the ground climbs with the highest ground being towards the top right area of the map. On the Whalley side of the map there is a plateau above Ashterley running back towards the large woods between the road junctions. This is higher at the top of the map and drops towards the bottom. Other wise the land trends downwards towards Whalley and the R Calder. Take a look at the OS map for details. Other terrain should be stone walls for the ambush on either side of the highway from the Bridge (at least on the Read side). Possible some stone walls denoting the grounds of Read Hall. And some hedges around Whalley.
Next post will provide details (such as we know) of the troops numbers, make up and morale states.
To create the scenario I needed to find some additional sources on the battle to try to fill out some extra background details. Luckily, most of the original sources are available online or through Amazon now. Not that there is much of it. The main sources are "A discourse of the warr in Lancashire" which was the source of the description I posted before. That is available through the Chetham Society via Amazon as a Kindle download. Next are Tracts relating to Military Matters in Lancashire which forms vol 2 of the Chetham Miscellanies also found as a Kindle download. Both of these are OCR scanned copies converted to text which does create a number of errors but these are easy to spot as they usually come out as nonsense words or as symbols.
The tracts have two documents of note "A True Relation of a great and Wonderful Victory obtained by Captain Ashton and the Parliament's Forces against the Earl of Derby at Whalley in Lancashire" and "Lancashires Valley of Achor". As Kindle downloads both the discourse and the tracts both cost around £5.00 which is good value even with the OCR issue. The internet provided a copy of Broxup's Great Civil war in Lancashire as a free document. Again there are some OCR scanning errors but overall it is legible. As a bonus Broxup cites all of his source material which is useful.
I would like to read the Letters of the Countess of Derby and Henrietta Maria's Letter book as these have some references to other troop movements at the time of the battle. Bull's Civil war in Lancashire is my next purchase as it draws on a Grattan's Lord Derby's Catholic Army which I don't have.
So what do we gain from the sources? Details of the site of the battle are pretty clear The discourse places the initial contact as being at Read Head "above the house of Mr Nowell of Read" Mr Nowell being Roger Nowell of Read Hall. The Royalists were first sighted "mounting out of a hollow dingle betwixt Ashterly and Reed Head" (the discourse). The bulk of the Royalist forces were drawn up in a body apparently on the North side of the Calder at Whalley (according to the Discourse) "in a bodie as to receive an enemie". The Dingle is almost certainly the small steep sided cutting through which Sabden Brook runs and there is still a farm above the brook now called Easterly. We are also told by the discourse that following the ambush Tydesley fled and mistook his way passing into the lane that leads to Ashterley and then down via Portfield to Whalley. All of these locations can be identified on the modern OS map. Parliaments musketeers were hidden behind the stone walls on either side of the highway between Whalley and Padiham. This would have been Read Old Road as the current main road is an 18th century turnpike.
After the initial ambush there was a running fight from close to where Read Old Road crosses Sabden Brook at Read Old Bridge. The ambush described in the Discourse occurred on the east side of the brook. The pursuit followed down to the outskirts of Whalley where the rest of Derby's forces were drawn up. This was presumably along (or close by) the line of the road down to Whalley. At Whalley the pursuing musketeers fired upon Derby's forces from the hedges (a true relation) and his forces broke and ran. They crossed the Calder and headed back towards Ribchester turning and standing occasionally. This wasn't the volley and chase suggested by the Discourse but a four stage action.
1. Royalists scout towards Read and are ambushed.
2. The pursuit towards Whalley
3. The action at Whalley itself
4. The fighting withdrawal towards Ribchester
I propose to re-fight the first three stages in this scenario.
Setting the table up
Using 2mm figures and a 1mm to the yard/metre (the difference is notional at 2mm level) I will be using 4 boards 1220mm by 606 mm. as shown below this is enough to cover the ambush, the pursuit and the fight at Whalley.
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General layout of the battle field with contours |
Next post will provide details (such as we know) of the troops numbers, make up and morale states.
Friday, 11 September 2015
Where was I.....
Its been a busy few weeks I changed my car, bought a caravan (sorry about that) and went Sealed Knotting over the August Bank Holiday weekend.
The car was a necessity it was getting to the stage where I was having to park around the corner from clients so they couldn't see what I was driving! The caravan was because I'm getting to old to be setting up in a tent and sleeping on an air bed. That purchase was linked with the last thing which has kept me from updating this blog, Sealed Knotting. Mrs E and I have been all over the UK with the Knot over the last 30 years mostly camping on open field sites. It was time to move up in the world and have a little more comfort for those weekends. It is nice to be able to turn up on site, put down the corner steadies and be done with setting up. More time in the beer tent on arrival night, oh yes that works for me!
The SK weekend was excellent. Big turn out from Hammonds (The regiment I am part of). Lots of friends I haven't seen for a while and some partying. Plus lots of photos we can use as reference shots in future blogs.
The car was a necessity it was getting to the stage where I was having to park around the corner from clients so they couldn't see what I was driving! The caravan was because I'm getting to old to be setting up in a tent and sleeping on an air bed. That purchase was linked with the last thing which has kept me from updating this blog, Sealed Knotting. Mrs E and I have been all over the UK with the Knot over the last 30 years mostly camping on open field sites. It was time to move up in the world and have a little more comfort for those weekends. It is nice to be able to turn up on site, put down the corner steadies and be done with setting up. More time in the beer tent on arrival night, oh yes that works for me!
Not the most exciting image for a war games blog I'll grant you |
Friday, 21 August 2015
Buying spree
This week I have mostly been ....... buying varnishes, and brush cleaner and brushes. I have had one of my periodic foraging expeditions to Hobbycraft in Northampton. I wanted some acrylic matt varnish as the Humbrol spray matt varnish had been stripping the ink wash on some of the stuff I have painted. I think the propellant was the culprit it seems to have dissolved the gloss varnish I had painted over the ink wash.
I bought a pot of Humbrol acrylic matt varnish and as a test a large pot of Decoart Media Ultra-Matte Varnish. To check how effective this was I daubed a thick layer of artists white acrylic paint on some card. I let this dry then brushed ink on it and then varnished it with first the Vallejo gloss varnish then the two matt varnishes one to each half of the test piece. You can see the results below DecoArt on the left hand side and Humbrol on the right. Both provide a good matt finish without lifting the ink. So I now have a lifetimes supply of brushable matt varnish.
Last but not least I bought a couple of sable brushes. I could probably get them cheaper on line but I like to see if the brush has a decent point before I buy. Sorry Hobbycraft but your selection was awful. Almost nothing on the racks in the sizes I wanted and most of those had splayed heads. I got a better choice and quality at the war games store in Milton Keynes and those had good handles too, thicker above the grip point which gives good balance. I don't know what brand they are but they are very good indeed.
So equipped with some new kit painting can continue apace.
I bought a pot of Humbrol acrylic matt varnish and as a test a large pot of Decoart Media Ultra-Matte Varnish. To check how effective this was I daubed a thick layer of artists white acrylic paint on some card. I let this dry then brushed ink on it and then varnished it with first the Vallejo gloss varnish then the two matt varnishes one to each half of the test piece. You can see the results below DecoArt on the left hand side and Humbrol on the right. Both provide a good matt finish without lifting the ink. So I now have a lifetimes supply of brushable matt varnish.
This is the generic stuff |
Not the best photo but both products give a similar matt finish on this test |
I also bought some Hobbycraft brush cleaner. I'm pretty rough on brushes as I use nothing bigger than a 2 for most of my painting. It doesn't need much paint to get down into the ferrule and the base of the brush for it to start clogging them. So I thought it was time to start a proper cleaning routine. I'm not certain that it will renovate older brushes but it does seem to be keeping the newer ones cleaner than water alone. Time will tell if it prolongs brush life.
Last but not least I bought a couple of sable brushes. I could probably get them cheaper on line but I like to see if the brush has a decent point before I buy. Sorry Hobbycraft but your selection was awful. Almost nothing on the racks in the sizes I wanted and most of those had splayed heads. I got a better choice and quality at the war games store in Milton Keynes and those had good handles too, thicker above the grip point which gives good balance. I don't know what brand they are but they are very good indeed.
So equipped with some new kit painting can continue apace.
Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Urban Sprawl
I took delivery of some of Brigade Model's small scale scenery range last week. They arrived within three days of ordering online which is a decent turn around time by anyone standards. The items I bought were the Small English Churches, the Agricultural buildings set and the Normandy village set. I choose these as they gave a range of buildings which span several centuries and can be happily used (with one or two exceptions) for 17th through to 20th century western Europe.
The buildings paint up well. I used the technique I use for 1/300th scale AFVs, as shown on the excellent Ritterkreig 6mm WW2 site. Undercoat in white, add an ink wash to bring up the detail, block in the main colours, and dry brush for high lights. I then pick out any detail like doors, windows and ridge lines and varnish. One trick is to use contrasting tones between roof and walls to give definition.
The Small English Church set |
The castings were very crisp with good detail and a slightly granular surface texture which suggests that the masters might have been 3D printed. It also helps with painting if you are using a dry brush technique as the surface texture helps grab the dry brushed paint. There was minimal flash mainly from air channels I think, and not much in the way of visible mould lines. They did need a wash to remove the traces of mould release agent though. Of the items I bought my favourites were the churches. They all appear to be based on real English churches from the Sussex area.
Agricultural Buildings |
Although the range is described as being 3mm it is fine for use alongside 2mm figures. The doors scale to the right height and the building footprints are not excessive. The ratio between height and foot print hasn't been adjusted as with some other ranges I have bought in the past for larger figure scales, so that the buildings proportions look correct rather than being over high for the size of the horizontal dimensions.Normandy Village - 20th Century styles at the rear |
The buildings paint up well. I used the technique I use for 1/300th scale AFVs, as shown on the excellent Ritterkreig 6mm WW2 site. Undercoat in white, add an ink wash to bring up the detail, block in the main colours, and dry brush for high lights. I then pick out any detail like doors, windows and ridge lines and varnish. One trick is to use contrasting tones between roof and walls to give definition.
I have posted images of two of the churches to give an idea of how well they paint up, remember these are both less than 4cm long! The detail is far superior to the Irregular Miniatures buildings for this scale, so they will be my range of choice where they cover the structures I want. Look out for them to feature in a game before too long.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
The Battle of Whalley - 20 April 1643
Flatter than a very flat thing could be the alternative title for this post. My phone that is, and on that phone are the photo's of the new painting project I had intended posting today. So while I'm waiting for it to show enough charge to allow me to link the images to the PC, here is something I prepared earlier on the ECW battle which was fought closest to my home town.
I grew up in the town of Clitheroe in the Ribble valley of
North East Lancashire and as a child I recall the kids talking about “the battle
that happened at Sabden Brook”. No one
knew when it had happened or who was fighting or why, it was just one of those
odd facts kids pass on from generation to generation of eight year olds and which
most grown ups had once heard about and then long forgotten. Then about some years ago I came across “The Great Civil War in Lancashire”by E Broxap. This is one of the series of county
histories of the war written by the Victorians and Edwardians. From this I learned that there had indeed
been battle fought on Sabden Brook – The Battle of Whalley. However, even this didn’t give
any detail about the battle, just the location and date and a couple of lines
on the effect of their defeat on the Royalist cause in Lancashire.
Recently I came across a Victorian edition of a seventeenth
century account of the war in Lancashire.
This is “A discourse upon the course of the war in Lancashire” (Unknown
author but possibly the Parliamentarian Captain Edward Robinson of Kirkham) which dates
from 1652. The version I have access to
was printed by the Chetham Society in 1864 and edited by William Beaufort from
a manuscript copy in the Earl of Derby’s library. I found it online in one of the free to view sites. This period account gives a broadly
chronological account of the war and gives a detailed account of the Battle. Before reproducing the 1652 account of the
battle it is worth setting the scene.
Lancashire in the 1640s was an isolated county, there were
only a limited number of places where military forces could enter the county
and as a result most of the fighting was purely between local forces. Generally the South West and West of the
county was pro-Royalist and the East and South East was for Parliament. The North was largely moorland and so was largely pro sheep. The Parliamentarian cause centred around
Manchester and Bolton with the Royalist support being the rural areas of the
Fylde (the lowlands east of present day Blackpool) and the area between
Preston, modern Southport and Wigan. The
Royalists had what at least appeared to be a unified command under the Earl of
Derby operating from his fortified home Latham House near what is now
Skelmersdale. Parliament on the other
hand looked to have a fragmented command structure with officers appointed to
command each of the six “hundreds” that the county was sub-divided into.
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The Lancashire Hundreds |
The early fighting centred on skirmishes and
attempted stormings of Manchester and Wigan.
As the fighting settled down Parliament’s forces secured Bolton and
captured Blackburn from the Royalists.
In the east the Royalists under the Earl of Derby consolidated their
hold on the west of the county by taking Preston the key link between the Fylde
and South West Lancashire. As 1643
opened both sides looked to further consolidate their base areas and then
strike against their enemies. The Parliamentarians
operating out of Blackburn scored the first success by taking Preston. They alsoattempted Warrington but were
repulsed. Meanwhile the Royalists moved
towards Lancaster succeeding in taking the town and burning it in early
April. They then turned back towards
Preston. Derby issued a summons to all able
bodied men in Amounderness Hundred (the Fylde) and seems to have raised a large
force of foot. Many of these were
clubmen armed only with cudgels and agricultural implements. With this force they stormed and recaptured
Preston. Derby then decided to keep
moving, his plan was to strike from Preston, North West along the Ribble valley
and swing around on Blackburn from the North.
He crossed the Ribble at or near Samlesbury Hall ( and continued along the river towards Whalley.
Now to the geography.
The Ribble valley is a broad
flat area that narrows slowly as it climbs North West towards the bulk of the
Pennines. Close by Whalley two major
tributaries join the Ribble, the River Hodder from the North East and a mile or two further upstream the River
Calder joins from the West through a gap in the hills. Whalley sits in the angle of the Calder and
the Ribble in the valley bottom. The
valley through which the Calder flows forms a natural defensive point against
forces advancing East along the Calder, towards Padiham, and Burnley, as the hills
come down towards Whalley on either side of the river. The last two or three miles dropping on a
relatively steep gradient. It was along
the hills to the North of the Calder the two forces met just south of the village
of Reed close by the point where Sabden Brook flows down to the Calder.
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This shot shows how close the hills come to Whalley |
The initial action occurred close to where the old Roman road crosses Sabden Brook. The brook runs through a valley here and the road climbs up out of the valley towards reed passing close to the stone walls of the estate of Reed Hall.
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This Image of Reed New Bridge shows the point at which the road crossed Sabden Brook. |
So now to the actual description of the fight written
sometime in the nine years after the battle (Complete with seventeenth century
spellings or lack of them!).
“The Earle of Darbies
last undertaking (before hee forsooke the Countie and that wherein God appeared
most against him) was his voyage into Blackburn Hundred to Whaley ; no doubt to
requite the Parliament Commanders in it with the like they did him by getting
some into the King's possession that soe he might vexe the rest if not gaine it
all. Therefore not long after his
regaining of Preston and Burning at Lancaster hee calls his Commanders and
Souldiers to Preston again with his Club of the feild (Could this be a odd spelling of Fylde?); and having them in a
bodye with his afforesaid piece of Ordenance and Horse, the [there is a small gap in the text here which might have given total numbers of the royalists]
or thereabout sets forward and marches by Ribchester from thence over Ribble at
Salesbury Boat and by Salesbury Hall and soe was well neare gotten to Whaley
before he was discovered ; his Clubmen according to their practice plundering
in most of the townes they passed by or thorrow (through?). News of his
approaching being brought to Padiam and Galthrop to Colonell Shutleworth in the
night tyme that Hundred being then in a weak condition to rescist him, the
souldiers at that tyme in no parte of it in any bodie or companies but
dispersed and also wanting Ammunition and Pouder. Neverthelesse the ould Colonell sent
intelligence into the Hundred before morning of the Earle's approach summoning
all to come up to him in the morning with speed with their best weapons. Betymes in the morning the Earle's Armie were
all drawne up and over that River that runs by Whaley called Calder and there
they with the piece of Ordenance were set in a bodie as to receive an
Enimie. The Earle with other of his
Commanders where up to the Abbey Sir Ralph Ashton's House whilst Mr. Tildsley
with others scouted up towards Padiam yea as far as Reed-head. Now the Colonells, Shutleworth and Starkie
being both come to Padiam with some of the Captaines were in a great
perplexitie know[ing] not what to doe being (as was said) unprovyded. Yet some
Captaines were sent, some souldiers accompanying to scout towards Whaley as far
as Read Mr Nowell's house to hear whether my Lord advanced or no and making a
stand there, consulting amongst themselves what was likeliest to be done upon
the exigent. The Captaines were all of one mind as that it was not safe to
withstand the Earle there. He was a strong partie and came on purpose provided
and they weake their companies away scattered. Therefore the safest way was to
retreat and preserve themselves out of their Enimies hand till their Companies
could be gathered into a bodie with some aid and withall furnished with
Ammunition which now they wanted, this being their Resolution at Preston.
This pleased not the
Souldiers then by, That they should turn their backs upon their enimies before
they saw their faces. Therefore a many of Musketiers being resolut men replyed
to the Captaines bouldly, bidding them take what course they pleased for their
safeties yet they would aventure themselves, see the enemie and haue one bout
with them if God will. And therefore gathering themselves together mad
themselves readie to receive the enimie. And belyke eyther imagyning of
themselves or having intelligence from others that the enemie would (pass) that
way They planted themselves in fields on the high way sid betwixt Whaley and
Padiam under the Stone walls with their muskets, readie charged, being hid, to
give the enemie a volley of shot if they appeared. Long they lay not before they
espied some of the Earles Horse and Foot mounting out of a Hollow dingle
betwixt Ashterley and Reed-head. And Maister Tildsley was one of the foremost
and having gotten the tope of the Hill he enquired of a woman that dwelt in a
little house by, where he was or how that place was calde. Sir said she you are
at Read-head above the house of Mr Nowell of Read. I am the more sorrie said he
; I would not haue his wyffe disquieted (Mr Nowell was a strong malignant).
Not long after this Discourse the Musketiers under the walls waiting
their opportunitie let goe a volley of shot against them very hotly which did
put such a fear into them That immediately without any delay they turned againe
and downe towards Whaley with all the speed they could make. And (as the report
was) Mr Tildsley was soe terrified and amazed that forgetting his way for haste
took into that lane that leads to Mr Shutleworths house at Ashterlee and then
forced his horse to leape over a gate and passed down by Portfield to Whaley.
The Musketiers perceiving them flee soe fearfully pursued them hotly and took
divers Foot Clubmen. Presently upon the Report of the Muskets many came unto
them and some caried the Prisoners to Padiam and the rest Joyned with the
Musketiers to pursue the Enemie.
Amongst those that
came in then to them was Marsden then a Lieutenant after mad a Captaine, a man
of courage and hardie spirit. He incoradged the souldiers much with manly words
to goe one, God would fight for them, and the like. So they pursuing with great
shouting and the nearer that they came to Whaley the shouting was more and
greater the hills and valleys giving the ecchoys besids more comming and
encreasing. Whalley standeth in a Vale having the hills on every side on which
was much people standing and all shouted, putting Amazement into the Earles
Armie. The Earle being in the Abbey and divers of his companie in the Church
and Tower, vpon that great noyse made haste to get ther. The peice of ordenance
was discharged twise or thrise at the most towards the Tower; but with noe
execution that was hard of. A boy that was upon a Steele in the field was shot
about his knees whether with a musket or the Ordenance was not certaine whereof
hee died but not immediately. He was all
that was slayne of the Parliament parte. Off the Earles Companie an emenent
Captaine of much respect with him (yet a greate plunderer) his name was Conney
was shot in the one of his eyes whereof he died afterwards and was carried away
with them.
The Earles Clubb men
being in the Reare of his Army hearing the great noyse of shoutting,
apprehending it fearfully fled through the River in much haste, he being most
happie that could get through it with most speed and run the fastest away. Noe
command of the officers nor force of the horsemen could make them turne again
or staye, but gone they would be ; which wrought soe upon the rest of the Armie
that they lykewise turned their backs and fledd soe disorderly and confusedly
That (as relation was) the Earle himself had much adoe to cause them to take their
Ordenance with them, he being of the last Companie that was with it.
Thus hauing turned
their backes of Whaley, the shouters increasing, they pursued them with a
greater noyse And dyvers horsemen comming in followed with more speed taking
some Prisoners and fynding Armes of all sortes cast in the way, not leaving of
till they came so far as Salesbury Boat. The prisoners taken were most of them
Clubmen of the ffeild, about fortie who weare kept at Padiam till they were
released. “
This contemporary account lays the reason for the victory as
being the shouting of the Parliamentarian troops which appeared to have
panicked the raw Royalist foot. It was
likened to the trumpets at the battle of Jericho and the whole ascribed to
God’s favour. Interestingly the
Royalists managed to get their artillery piece away which suggests that the
Parliamentary pursuit was not that keen to come to grips with the enemy. As battles go it wasn’t the most brutal
fighting but it is probably representative of the small actions that occurred
around the country between locally levied, untrained troops. It is clear that in fights like this morale
and the effect of a sudden unexpected appearance of troops close at hand is far
more important than the equipment and tactics used. Plus as a Sargeant of musket in the Sealed Knot I like the idea that the
shot just decided to have a go regardless of numbers or commanders and
succeeded in carrying the day.
One I really must try to re fight sometime I just need to make up some clubmen bases in 2mm.
Friday, 7 August 2015
Painting 2mm figures - Foot castings
So you want to paint 2mm figures? Well first you need to decide on the effect you are trying to achieve. The castings are better detailed than you might expect and the trick is to take advantage of that. it is also important to remember that you are creating an impression of troops seen from a long distance. Check out some images of real people at a distance to see what stands out and try to pick out that level of detail and no more. Like the image below:
Shrink this image (Or stand back from the screen) until the image is the size of a 2mm casting at painting range. What do you see? That's what you are trying for.
Right back to the castings then, fix them to the holder of your choice, I use ice-lolly sticks from craft shops. Undercoat in your personal colour of choice. I prefer white for small scale figures, but in these shots I was trying out a mid grey as suggested by Steel on Sand's blog.
You should have something like this. Next dry brush in white to create a pre-shade. The alternative is to undercoat white and ink wash with a darker shade. My go to for this is Windsor and Newton Nut Brown. Then add a wash of the primary colour.
Next using an un-thinned version of the shade used as the wash dry brush or dot in the details of the coats. Use the same technique for the legs and pick out faces and hats. If you are feeling keen pick out the muskets. Finish with a light ink wash of Nut Brown and varnish. It sounds like a long process but it isn't these castings are tiny after all.
You should end up with something like this, if not better. After all my eyes are not as young as they once were. For me magnification helps a huge amount, that and good brushes that hold a good point.
Monday, 3 August 2015
It's been a busy few days.
Over the weekend just gone I received my copy of DBA 3, had a day with my Sealed Knot regiment at Thorpe Mandeville and managed to do some painting. So what to write about?
Lets start with DBA, I ordered the rules from Black Hat Miniatures as they actually had stock. I have to say that the way they dealt with my order was a pleasure to behold. Email updates on the order progress and a fast turn around. If only all internet shopping was as good. I'm not going to bore you with yet another personal review of the rules they have been out long enough now for better writers than me to have done the job. All I'm going to say is that Phil Barker's rules seem to evoke a Marmite reaction in people. You either love them or hate them. I like them and don't have any issues with "Barkerisms", now that might have something to do with my job which involves dealing with tax legislation which means that I have experience in dealing with text where not a single word is wasted or used without purpose. mind you I have been using Mr B's rules since WRG 2nd Edition Ancients.
What I do like is the side support rules for spears it seems to me to help replicate Dark Age shield wall combat. I can see my Middle Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Pics getting a run out to test the rules. Which in turn means I better finish painting my latest batch of Baccus 6mm Vikings.
On the painting front I have managed to paint some 2mm EVW foot and have some horse to do next. I have tried several styles of painting these blocks. the latest is to undercoat grey dry brush white and use a wash for the main colour finishing by picking out some details. usually faces, hats and muskets. I will post some pictures of each stage in a few days.
Last but most definitely not least I managed to squeeze some Sealed Knot action into the weekend. I didn't have chance to take any pictures as I was busy training musketeers but one of my friends did and once I get hold of some of his pictures I will post them. I find them useful to show me what level of detail can be seen at a distance.
Note for non Brits - Marmite is a yeast based dark brown spread with a strong taste and smell that you will either love or hate. Me? I love it especially on toast.
Lets start with DBA, I ordered the rules from Black Hat Miniatures as they actually had stock. I have to say that the way they dealt with my order was a pleasure to behold. Email updates on the order progress and a fast turn around. If only all internet shopping was as good. I'm not going to bore you with yet another personal review of the rules they have been out long enough now for better writers than me to have done the job. All I'm going to say is that Phil Barker's rules seem to evoke a Marmite reaction in people. You either love them or hate them. I like them and don't have any issues with "Barkerisms", now that might have something to do with my job which involves dealing with tax legislation which means that I have experience in dealing with text where not a single word is wasted or used without purpose. mind you I have been using Mr B's rules since WRG 2nd Edition Ancients.
What I do like is the side support rules for spears it seems to me to help replicate Dark Age shield wall combat. I can see my Middle Anglo Saxons, Vikings and Pics getting a run out to test the rules. Which in turn means I better finish painting my latest batch of Baccus 6mm Vikings.
On the painting front I have managed to paint some 2mm EVW foot and have some horse to do next. I have tried several styles of painting these blocks. the latest is to undercoat grey dry brush white and use a wash for the main colour finishing by picking out some details. usually faces, hats and muskets. I will post some pictures of each stage in a few days.
Last but most definitely not least I managed to squeeze some Sealed Knot action into the weekend. I didn't have chance to take any pictures as I was busy training musketeers but one of my friends did and once I get hold of some of his pictures I will post them. I find them useful to show me what level of detail can be seen at a distance.
Note for non Brits - Marmite is a yeast based dark brown spread with a strong taste and smell that you will either love or hate. Me? I love it especially on toast.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Got my Mojo back
Although to be honest I hadn’t realised that I had lost
it. Let’s be clear we are not talking
Austin Powers style of mojo loss this is a family friendly blog after all, no,
it was my figure painting mojo that had evaporated. Mrs Elenderil and I adopted a rescue dog back
in February and one thing led to another and we ended up with two - Barney and
Barney came first and wasn’t any real trouble, he settled in
pretty quickly and with a minimum of fuss.
George turned up a couple of months later as a fostering
arrangement. The couple who had agreed
to adopt him couldn’t cope with him. I
can understand this as he needs quite a lot more attention than Barney as he is
a particularly energetic breed and heis at the
top end of the energy levels even for his breed. Fostering appears to have evolved into
adopting so I’m pretty sure that we are now the proud owners of two dogs!
Barney is furthest from the camera,
George is working very hard at being cute at the front
So what with training, walking and general care and feeding our
free time reduced dramatically. Something
had to give and it was my painting time.
I don’t like to start painting if I’m tired and by the time the dogs
were sorted out it was late in the evening so I kept putting it off. Before I knew it I had gone a couple of
months and not done any painting. I kept
meaning to get my painting table set up but as George has an inquisitive not to
mention acquisitive nature, that is to say he likes to grab anything that looks
interesting and run off with it, I was a bit worried about the effect of
Vallejo’s finest on his digestion! He
has settled down a lot now so I thought it was safe to set up and I have
managed to make some inroads into my lead pile, not much but it’s a start. As a bonus I haven’t spotted any rainbow poos
so I’m pretty sure he has left the paint alone!
Sunday, 26 July 2015
Project Naseby - 3
Although for purposes of describing progress I have broken the project down into distinct parts in reality the parts overlapped. For example I couldn't write rules without knowing what figures I would be using, or how the units fought. Period drill manuals gave me the answer but raised new ones as well. I decided to create units based on the most common distances between ranks and files. I had to take into account that in the real world formations can change but little lead casting are immobile. Once I started to read some of the drill manuals I started to realise that so much of what I thought I knew I couldn't show to be accurate. For example Horse attacking Foot, once I knew the size and footprint of a Foot Battalia I started to ask if a pike hedgehog was a defensive formation used in practice. Can 400 musketeers really hide behind 200 Pikemen? If it isn't possible what were the real mechanics involved. Would Horse really charge home into well formed and well trained infantry?
On the plus side the formations I settled on do look like the those shown on the deployment maps created by De Gomme so something was going right.
On the plus side the formations I settled on do look like the those shown on the deployment maps created by De Gomme so something was going right.
Saturday, 25 July 2015
Pictures or it didn't happen
I have been a bit lax over posting pictures in my last couple of entries. so here are the pictures of some examples of my 2mm figures I promised. First up is a regiment of ECW foot
These are never going to win any competitions but they do what I want them too. Next comes some horse. I was using up some odds and sods to build this unit including some rare miscasts normally the castings are far better than these.
Last but not least a look at an artillery piece.
The photos could be better but as I was using my phone I don't think they have come out too badly.
Thursday, 23 July 2015
Project Naseby pt 2 - selecting the figures
So with the terrain researched it was time for me to buy some lead. Off I went to Irregular Miniatures website with a burning desire to spend money! Problems arose within moments as I realised that I needed to ensure that the 2mm blocks were going to have the proper footprint on the table and the website didn't (and still doesn't) provide details of the size of the castings. A quick search on Google later and I had found the Tiny Tin Troops website: which gave me the details I needed. Backed up with frontages, depths and descriptions from that site I was able to decide which castings looked to be the best fit to the fighting frontages commonly quoted in the drill manuals of the period.
Not wanting to waste money I bought a few samples first before settling on the Horse and Musket range of infantry castings (BG32 48 foot in 3 ranks or BG31 48 foot in 6 ranks) for shot and the large Swiss/Landschnecht pike blogs (RBG9A&B) for the pike armed troops. I had to trim flags off the shot castings until Irregular started to provide a version without the flags. For the horse I used the Armoured Pistoliers (RBG31 15 horse in 3 ranks). On top of which I used a variety of different castings for generals individual foot figures to add to bases etc.
I used one block of pike to represent 100 pike in 6 ranks and two blocks of shot to create 100 shot in 6 ranks. Three blocks of horse side by side give 45 horse in 3 ranks plus some individual single figures as officers to bring it up towards 50 horse per element. A mix of artillery types was used from the renaissance list with the addition of limbers and ammunition wagons to the base to make it look like a working gun team.
As I'm blogging this in my lunch hour I don't have photos to hand so those will have to wait for another time.
Not wanting to waste money I bought a few samples first before settling on the Horse and Musket range of infantry castings (BG32 48 foot in 3 ranks or BG31 48 foot in 6 ranks) for shot and the large Swiss/Landschnecht pike blogs (RBG9A&B) for the pike armed troops. I had to trim flags off the shot castings until Irregular started to provide a version without the flags. For the horse I used the Armoured Pistoliers (RBG31 15 horse in 3 ranks). On top of which I used a variety of different castings for generals individual foot figures to add to bases etc.
I used one block of pike to represent 100 pike in 6 ranks and two blocks of shot to create 100 shot in 6 ranks. Three blocks of horse side by side give 45 horse in 3 ranks plus some individual single figures as officers to bring it up towards 50 horse per element. A mix of artillery types was used from the renaissance list with the addition of limbers and ammunition wagons to the base to make it look like a working gun team.
As I'm blogging this in my lunch hour I don't have photos to hand so those will have to wait for another time.
Wednesday, 22 July 2015
Project Naseby - The story so far
Project Naseby - The story so far
I have always had a bit of an obsession with trying to create a complete representation of any army involved in a battle that interests me. A while ago I decided that I wanted to do Naseby. But not just one army but both sides. Then I thought why not do it to a figure ratio of 1:1 its not quite as insane as it sounds when you realise that I am doing this in 2mm using Irregular Miniatures range.
That's when the megalomania started to really kick in. I could match the figure scale to the ground scale if I aimed for 1mm to 1 yard/metre. How hard could it be I thought. The armies are not that big and the battlefield isn't huge. All I need to do is get the respective orders of battle, recreate the terrain based on the OS map adjusted for the more open landscape of 1645, buy some figures and that would be that, easy..... right? And so Project Naseby was conceived , or should that have been misconceived?
Early research went quite well, I created a contour map of the area of the main fighting area and was able to make the adjustments for the period land use based on the English Heritage battle field report. Problems started with creating the two orders of battle. I quickly realised that most of what I thought I knew was wrong. so off I went to the best primary sources. Symons diary is good for Royalist Horse but information on the foot is variable. On the New Model side pay returns give an indication of numbers for the foot but not for the horse, and so it went. In the end I based my forces on the Naseby Battlefield trust information. That allowed me to buy some figures. Although I did have to decide on a few other points first like frontage and formations so I knew what to buy.
More on that and my attempt to write rules in a later blog.
I have always had a bit of an obsession with trying to create a complete representation of any army involved in a battle that interests me. A while ago I decided that I wanted to do Naseby. But not just one army but both sides. Then I thought why not do it to a figure ratio of 1:1 its not quite as insane as it sounds when you realise that I am doing this in 2mm using Irregular Miniatures range.
That's when the megalomania started to really kick in. I could match the figure scale to the ground scale if I aimed for 1mm to 1 yard/metre. How hard could it be I thought. The armies are not that big and the battlefield isn't huge. All I need to do is get the respective orders of battle, recreate the terrain based on the OS map adjusted for the more open landscape of 1645, buy some figures and that would be that, easy..... right? And so Project Naseby was conceived , or should that have been misconceived?
Early research went quite well, I created a contour map of the area of the main fighting area and was able to make the adjustments for the period land use based on the English Heritage battle field report. Problems started with creating the two orders of battle. I quickly realised that most of what I thought I knew was wrong. so off I went to the best primary sources. Symons diary is good for Royalist Horse but information on the foot is variable. On the New Model side pay returns give an indication of numbers for the foot but not for the horse, and so it went. In the end I based my forces on the Naseby Battlefield trust information. That allowed me to buy some figures. Although I did have to decide on a few other points first like frontage and formations so I knew what to buy.
More on that and my attempt to write rules in a later blog.
Sunday, 15 February 2015
Am I the world's worst blogger?
Once again its been a year since I did anything with this blog. Its not that I haven't been doing anything blog worthy, I have just been busy. New job, new house and now a new dog.
I have been completing some starter fleets for Full Thrust, 6mm armies for DBA and both painting 2mm ECW armies and writing some rules for them. I know, pictures or it didn't happen!
Close up of Irregular Miniatures figures in action. they might not look much close up but at a distance they do look like the seventeenth woodcut illustrations of battles.
These figures are based for a 1:1 figure scale set of rules I'm working on. The intention is to relight Naseby at a ground scale of 1mm to 1 yard/metre so that ground scale and figure scale match.
Below is photo of the battlefield so you can see the effect of the massed figures.
These are reasonably easy to paint. The cavalry castings are a bit more detailed so they take a little more time. The other excuse is shown below just do you can go "ahhhh".

I have been completing some starter fleets for Full Thrust, 6mm armies for DBA and both painting 2mm ECW armies and writing some rules for them. I know, pictures or it didn't happen!
Close up of Irregular Miniatures figures in action. they might not look much close up but at a distance they do look like the seventeenth woodcut illustrations of battles.
These figures are based for a 1:1 figure scale set of rules I'm working on. The intention is to relight Naseby at a ground scale of 1mm to 1 yard/metre so that ground scale and figure scale match.
Below is photo of the battlefield so you can see the effect of the massed figures.
These are reasonably easy to paint. The cavalry castings are a bit more detailed so they take a little more time. The other excuse is shown below just do you can go "ahhhh".
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