Friday 17 June 2022

Oh Bugger #1 - Flags error

 I'm sure we all have them, those moments in a project where you discover (usually after you are half way done) that you have made a basic error.  Yes folks welcome to the dreaded 'Oh bugger' moment!

In this case it's ACW regimental colours for my Federal infantry.  I researched the matter, entire seconds I took looking at google images.  Who knew images could be reversed on screen or that wargamers could get thing wrong.  I have happily placed the colours on 136/236ths of my Federal infantry blocks the wrong way round.  I should have realised, I understand seniority of units and files from ECW research and it should have carried over to this project.  The National Colour has seniority and is placed on the right in the position of honour and not on the left as I have done!  Oh the shame, the shame.

The offending  flag placement!  I'm appalled at my self (well not that appalled TBH)

Now lets be very clear here there is no way on God's green earth I am redoing 136 sets of colours!  I will be correct in the placements for the last 100 regiments and will redo the others if and when the flags fall off.  I blame! yes that's it, Google made me do it, and they are American and should know these things, so it's really all their fault.  I'm incensed!  How dare they host inaccurate images etc etc.  Phew, well I think I got away with that one.

This is how I should have been doing it

Incidentally the last picture is the first taken using my new home made light box.  For a free cardboard box and a couple of pennies worth of greaseproof paper and tape I think it is OK.


  1. We’ve all been there mate. Good thing with smaller scales is that it’s only ever obvious to you…and anyone on TMP. Lol. Light box is a definite improvement too.

    1. No one on TMP noticed or at least haven't commented and they are mostly Americans!

  2. Can’t you just turn the bases round so the National Colo(o)r is on the right? At this scale can you tell which way they’re facing?

    1. Others might not but I would. I'm not OCd or anything but it would sort of bother me!
