I have hit another milestone in this project. The infantry for the AoP is completed. No more matchstick miniatures for me for a while! That's fifty-four Federal brigade bases completed, each with 4 blocks of figures on them (and those pesky pairs of flags). On top of which I have almost all of the generals for both sides completed as well. Which means I have come to the point where I have to get my wallet out (the moths will enjoy getting to see the light of day again!). I have worked out what I need to order and I will probably make two orders to avoid clogging up the painting table and not has been suggested by some, so it doesn't shout
'Warning, Warning Elenderil is spending money' from the pages of the bank statement when the memsahib checks it.
I'm not going to bore you with a picture of the massed ranks of blue clad infantry (BTW the groaning sound you are hearing in the distance is the shade of 'Little Mac' who loved to display the massed ranks of the Army of the Potomac) instead I will wait until I can do a shot with the artillery and cavalry present as well (exit 'Little Mac' feeling somewhat mollified).
Well I say no more matchstick miniatures but somewhere in the back of my head I can faintly hear a murmur of 'Blucher, Blucher...you know you want to...go on, just a division of two....'.
Well I already made test bases. |
I invested in yet another Really Useful Box to store the figures in. This one is a 9 litre one as it takes four trays which, really usefully (ba dum...ting), are made up of fifteen 60mm x 60mm sections which is the ideal size for these bases. So all my little matchstick warriors have new purpose built barracks to live in.
In other news Mrs Elenderil tested positive for the dreaded 'Rona this morning so it cannot be long until I too have the lurgy which will probably put a crimp on blogging (and walking, talking etc). She is uncomfortable and has a racking cough but it doesn't seem to be as bad as we feared it might be. I think she deserves a medal for testing the ailment out first before letting me have a go.
Sorry to hear your missus has got The Covid, hope she gets over it quickly and you don’t catch it either. All the best, Mark.